View Full Version : iPad Owners Will Only Get The Next Major Firmware Update Free

31-03-2010, 13:07
Apple has revealed in its iPad documentation that 3.2 iPad owners will get the next (4.x) major firmware release for free; however, they will have to pay for the following (5.x) one.

Apple will provide you any iPad OS software updates that it may release from time to time, up to and including the next major iPad OS software release following the version of iPad OS software that originally shipped from Apple on your iPad, for free. For example, if your iPad originally shipped with iPad 3.x software, Apple would provide you with any iPad OS software updates it might release up to and including the iPad 4.x software release. Such updates and releases may not necessarily include all of the new software features that Apple releases for newer iPad models.


E jesu kapitalisti! :smackbum:

31-03-2010, 13:17
Sve se sekiram (ako kupim iPad) da necu moci da skinem besplatno (negde) update :)

31-03-2010, 14:32
Ne nego su poceli mnogo da lice na Micro$oft ;)

31-03-2010, 21:47
Stim sto ce taj firmwear da kosta 10$, a ne 100$ :)

Ja sam bio kupio kad je izlazio za iPod Touch, platio lepo 10$

31-03-2010, 21:49
E to sam hteo da pitam, ja sam skoro skinuo ovde 3.1.2 za Touch, el to hackovan FW ili je samo maznut link pa uplodovan negde? Inace radi super.

31-03-2010, 22:50
Pa neko je kupio regularno i uploadovao ga...

01-04-2010, 00:21
Izem ti zastitu :)
A cena je ok ali mislim da sa dobro poznatim 40% i vise marzama Apple-a na svoje proizvode ovo ne bi trebalo da naplacuje ;)
Jer ako neko ne updatuje jer nece da plati onda on i ne moze da koristi nove aplikacije koje zahtevaju noviji FW. Malo kontra-produktivno za Apple, zar ne?