View Full Version : Unlock iPhone 3.1.3 05.11.07 Baseband with Blacksn0w

20-03-2010, 22:07
A fix has been released to unlock the latest iPhone 3.1.3 firmware on 05.11.07 baseband using Blacksn0w. Most of you who have tried to unlock iPhone 3.1.3 with 05.11.07 baseband using blacksn0w might have faced this problem where the said tool is unable to unlock iPhone 3G and 3GS. This is because blacksn0w is locating a function to patch by searching the binary for a reference to string "SIM is not supported". In iPhone OS 3.1.3, Apple has replaced the same function in a way that it now uses the string "Verified". Since the location to patch is determined by instruction search&replace, the said patch still works in iPhone 3.1.3 after changing the string and its length in Blacksn0w binary.

Now to get it to work, simply follow the simple step by step guide posted below to unlock your iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS (05.11.07 baseband only) on iPhone OS 3.1.3 using blacksn0w.

NOTE: This has been tested on iPhone 3GS, 3.1.3 firmware on 05.11.07 baseband only. NOT the latest 05.12.01 baseband.

Step 1: Download blacksn0w.deb from the official blackra1n site here and unpack it using 7-zip (Download link here).

Step 2: Make sure you have OpenSSH installed on your iPhone:

Open Cydia. Touch on “Search” tab and then search for “OpenSSH”.

Install “OpenSSH” and reboot your iPhone.
Step 3: Connect your iPhone with your computer. Make sure iTunes is not running.

Step 4: Download and install Cyberduck for Mac (download link given below). Enter the following details to login to your phone:

Server: The IP address of your iPhone. Settings –> WiFi –> <Your Network Name>
Username: root
Password: alpine
Protocol: SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)

For Windows, download and install WinSCP from here and enter the following details to login to your phone:

Hostname: The IP address of your iPhone. Settings –> WiFi –> <Your Network Name>
User name: root
Password: alpine
Protocol: SCP
Step 5: Copy the System\Library\LaunchDaemons\com.apple.CommCenter. plist from blacksn0w.deb to /tmp/ directory on the phone.

Step 6: Download the patched blacksn0w.dylib file from here and copy it over to /usr/lib/ on the phone.

Step 7: Now try to execute a test load via the MobileTerminal app on your iPhone. Download “MobileTerminal” app from Cydia if you haven’t already and run the following command to login via root.

su root

Once you have logged in, enter the following command in one go as stopping CommCenter will disconnect/pause WiFi and SSH.

launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist ; launchctl load /tmp/com.apple.CommCenter.plist ; launchctl start com.apple.CommCenter

Make sure you get signals with your T-Mobile SIM card.

Step 8: Now if test load is successful, copy the com.apple.CommCenter.plist file from /tmp/ directory on the phone to /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/. Reboot you phone now and it should all work.

20-03-2010, 23:55
Ma daj, bre...
Ne shvatam sto stavljate uopste ovo...unlock za 3.1.3., ali samo ako je BB stari...glupost.
Mislim ovo ce malo kome da pomogne, ko je znao da uradi update, a da sacuva baseband sigurno je znao i kako da ga otkljuca...Tako da uopste ne vidim smisao ovih postova, samo se "gube" oni koji nisu bas upuceni u iphone, a imaju zablokiran 3.1.3...

21-03-2010, 00:25
obradovao sam se kad sam video topic,a ono djokaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa

21-03-2010, 02:14
Ne znam kakav Djoka, lepo ti pise u naslovu da je za stari BB.

21-03-2010, 13:04
obradovao sam se kad sam video topic,a ono djokaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa

O tome vam pricam... :)

21-03-2010, 15:09
Mislim da ovde fali, da na blacksn0w.dylib mora da ide chmod +755 kad se prekopira na iPhone. Ja sam probao ovo ali nisam imao srece samo ispishe searching i nishta tu se zakove iPhone postane uzasno spor treba mu vecnost da udje u settings. A kad iskopiram ovaj plist fajl i owerwrite-ujem ga sa starim CommCenter fajlom onda vishe iPhone nece da se bootuje... Jer mozda ima neko neka druga iskustva? Jer uopste nekom proradilo ovo?

21-03-2010, 15:54
Radilo je, po drugim forumima sam proverio.

22-03-2010, 18:14
Blacksn0w RC2 Unlock for iPhone 3.1.3 05.11.07 Baseband Released in Cydia

Steve – the guy who was behind PushFix 2.0 (the first real fix for Push Notifications) for unlocked iPhones has just released Blacksn0w RC2. This version of blacksn0w is basically a repackaged version of the original unlock released by geohot, and the fix which was recently released by MSFT Guy for 05.11.07 baseband on iPhone OS 3.1.3.

1) Checks your *real* firmware version using your kernel version (this avoids using the reported firmware version which might be "faked"). Only installs if you are really running 3.1.2 or 3.1.3
2) Checks your baseband version – only installs if 05.11.07
3) Properly backs up and restores your configuration if uninstalled

If it was too hard for you to patch blacksn0w manually, you can use blacksn0w RC2 to do the job for you! Simply follow the simple step by step guide below to unlock your iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS on iPhone OS 3.1.3 05.11.07 baseband using blacksn0w RC2. iPhone 2G users should follow the guide posted here (Mac version of the guide here).

NOTE: This is an unofficial release by PushFix.info, not geohot.

How to: Jailbreak iPhone on 3.1.3:
Step 1: Follow the guide posted here to jailbreak your iPhone 3G or 3GS using Sn0wbreeze 3.1.3 on iPhone firmware 3.1.3.

How to: Unlock iPhone 3G/3GS 05.11.07 Baseband on 3.1.3:
Step 2: Once you are done with the jailbreak, you can now unlock your iPhone running jailbroken firmware 3.1.3 by using blacksn0w RC2 from Cydia. To do this:


Start “Cydia” on your iPhone.

Touch on “Manage” tab on the bottom.

Now touch on “Sources” as seen in the screenshot below:


* Touch on “Edit” and then on “Add”. You will be prompted to enter a url source as seen in the screenshot below. Type “http://cydia.pushfix.info” and touch on “Add Source”.

Cydia will now automatically update your sources by following a series of automated steps.

* After installation is completed. Search for “blacksn0w RC2” in Cydia and install this application. This app will automatically unlock your iPhone so that you can use it with any carrier.

Step 3: Now simply restart your iPhone. Voila! You are now running a fully unlocked and jailbroken iPhone 3G/3GS on firmware 3.1.3 05.11.07 baseband.

22-03-2010, 20:22
al kako da instaliram 3.1.3 a da ostane 05.11.07 ja sam sad na 05.11.07,jel moze da se instalira custom 3.1.3 a da ne prijavljuje gresku?

22-03-2010, 20:26
Samo ako imas Mac i napravis custom pomocu Pwnage Tool-a


22-03-2010, 20:31
i onda kad ga napravim radim jailbreak sa sn0wbreeze?
jel mogu da skinem 3.1.3 koji je neko napravio pomocu pwnage toola ili bas moram ja?

22-03-2010, 20:33
Mislim da ne mozes na noviji 3GS sa MC u serijskom broju, on ce uvek da ti izbacuje greske :(

22-03-2010, 20:36
a koji 3.1.3 da skinem da bi ga ubacio na pwnage tool? oce hteti da ga restoruje kad budem radio sa njim?

22-03-2010, 20:42
Pa isprati tutorial. Ovaj je za 3GS, ima i za 3G, a i za 2G. Za sta tebi treba?

22-03-2010, 20:45
pa treba mi za 3gs al koji fajl da ubacim u pwnage tool? odakle da skinem 3.1.3 da bi ga jailbreakovao sa pwnage toolom

22-03-2010, 20:49
Samo isprati tutorial, sve je lepo objasnjeno...

23-03-2010, 00:12
imam jos jedno pitanje ako odradim jailbreak preko pwnage toola 3.1.5 na mac-u hoce mi ostati baseband 5.11.07?

23-03-2010, 00:14

23-03-2010, 19:11
Potvrdjujem da ovo iz cydia-e radi i da je sve ok.... Pozdrav, i hvala djaf!

A shto se tice custom FW ja sam iskoristio sa Siful i ok je....

24-03-2010, 14:52
meni ta stvar ne radi, kada installiram na iphone sa 3.1.3 (custom verzijom koju mi je sn0breeeze napravio) i baseband 05.11.07, meni pise Searching i onda telefon zablokira i kada ga upalim pojavi mi se ona jabuka i moram opet da stavljam firmware na telefon.

Ima tko kakvu suvislu sugestiju ?:stick1:

24-03-2010, 23:42
Jer si radio sa cydia ili onim prvim nacinom?

24-03-2010, 23:44
da ti pravo kazem pokusao sam obadve mogucnosti, prvo onu pa sada kada je izaslo ono cydiji i tu

stavio sam 3.1.3 05.11.07 jailbrakovan custom fw koji sam pravio sa sn0wbreeeze.
i onda cydiji stavim taj blacksn0w RC2 koji je kao preradjen, i kada installuje
telefon upalim i ugasim i onda kao pocne da trazi signal i telefon zamrzne i kada ga opet ugasim i upalim vidim onu jabuku i ponovni restore moram da pravim

24-03-2010, 23:47
Neko skoro napisa da sn0wbreeze i blackra1n ne idu bas zajedno...

24-03-2010, 23:49
Ovde je govora o blacksn0w ne o blackra1n.
to su dve razlicite stvari!