View Full Version : How to Know if Your iPhone Battery is on Death Row

18-03-2010, 09:37
The ugly truth about your iPhone battery? It's got a lifespan of less than two years, but may not even last that long if you're careless. Here are expert tips to help you take better care of it - and then know when to send it to that recycling bin in the sky.

By Tom Kaneshige

Rapid Repair

Wed, March 17, 2010 — CIO — Apple posted details of its iPad battery replacement service earlier this week. Mind you,the iPad isn't even expected to hit the stores until April 3rd. Perhaps Apple has learned something from the battery life backlash that continues to plague its iconic iPhone.

"The iPad's typical use scenario is sans power cord, whereas the power cord travels with the laptop," says Aaron Vronko, CEO of Raid Repair, which services broken iPods and iPhones and replaces worn-out batteries. "It's the biggest device to be used off the power cord most of the time. That makes the battery a huge factor in the success of this device and how it's received by its audience."


Apple's iPad $99 battery replacement service is a bit of a misnomer; Apple will replace the entire iPad, not the battery.

Already, the iPad battery has come under fire. The iPad's 10-inch LCD display requires a battery that's more than five times the capacity and size of the iPhone 3GS battery. The screen alone consumes roughly 2 watts per hour, Vronko says, and will drain the large battery in 12 hours by itself.

Apple, which claims the iPad has a 10-hour battery life, doesn't want the iPad to face the kind of vitriolic complaints regarding battery life that the iPhone has endured since its debut.
Bad News: Your iPhone Battery Is Dying

Every time you go through a charge cycle on your iPhone, you'll permanently lose anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute of battery capacity. Typically, you'll get 250 to 500 charge cycles before a lithium ion battery has outlived its usefulness, Vronko says.

(A charge cycle covers the entire capacity of the battery. For instance, if you drained a third of the battery and recharged it, and then used two-thirds of the battery the next day and recharged it, this would still be considered a single charge cycle.)

Using your iPhone in extreme temperatures—below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or above 95 degrees—will degrade the battery capacity faster, he says. Also, you shouldn't regularly run your iPhone battery completely down before recharging it. Doing these things will shave maybe a minute and half off the total battery capacity per charge cycle, Vronko says.

However, it's a good practice to run the battery dead before fully recharging it once a month to keep the chip on the battery and the chip on the device that measure the current flowing back and forth in sync . This is one of Vronko's six tips for cleaning and caring for your iPhone.

There are ways to improve battery life of a single charge cycle. Here are three tips for getting more juice:

1. Disable power-hungry features such as Wi-Fi, Notifications and Location Services.

2. Buy a battery pack, especially if you plan on taking your iPhone to places that don't have a ready power outlet like, say, a golf course. (Check out my review of iPhone app Golfshot GPS.)

3. Get it tested by an Apple Genius, because anecdotal evidence suggests there are a lot of iPhone 3GS lemons with poorly performing batteries on the market.
Time to Replace Your Battery?

Eventually, though, you'll need to replace your iPhone battery.

Vronko says the battery-replacement demand curve starts with a 10-month-old iPhone. "That's when we get the first run of customers," he says. These customers are often heavy iPhone users who may have lost up to 30 percent of the original battery life—and 70 percent of the remaining battery is not good enough for them.

Next, Vronko sees a pick-up in demand for battery replacement with 12-to-15-month-old iPhones. The peak age for battery replacements is 18 months.

Rapid Repair charges $20 for just the iPhone battery, although you'll have to be brave enough to put in the new battery yourself. Or it'll cost $50 for the battery and Rapid Repair to do it.

For do-it-yourself folks, swapping in a new battery on an iPhone 3G or 3GS isn't terribly difficult. The units have tiny screws for removing the outer shell, and the battery has a pluggable module. This wasn't the case with the original iPhone, which had a battery that was soldered to the unit.

Vronko hasn't seen the iPad yet, although he figures battery replacement won't be easy given the iPad's unibody design. Another sign is the fact that Apple itself plans to replace whole iPads rather than batteries.

"My guess is that the iPad is going to be more difficult for end users to open up the case without damaging it, in order to replace the battery," Vronko says.

Tom Kaneshige is a senior writer for CIO.com in Silicon Valley. Send him an email at [email protected]. Or follow him on Twitter @kaneshige. Follow everything from CIO.com on Twitter @CIOonline.

18-03-2010, 09:48
Ako je ovo tacno, interesuje me sledece. Svaki put kada stavite telefon na dock, da bi prebacili neku aplikaciju, vi prakticno zapocinjete ciklus punjenja. To znaci da ako dnevno recimo deset puta stavite telefon za sinhronizaciju, vi prakticno zapocinjete 10 ciklusa punjenja. Kazem ako je ovo tacno jel moguce nekako povezati telefon za sinhronizaciju, a da telefon ne pocinje da se puni?

3. Get it tested by an Apple Genius

Moze li neko da mi objasni kako ovo da uradim?

18-03-2010, 11:26
(A charge cycle covers the entire capacity of the battery. For instance, if you drained a third of the battery and recharged it, and then used two-thirds of the battery the next day and recharged it, this would still be considered a single charge cycle.)

nisi lepo razumeo,ciklus je kada napunis bateriju do kraja i istrosis je celu!to sto ti kazes moze da spada u ovaj pasus gore sto sam stavio!

I ja se pitam ko bi bio Apple Genius!:)
Ma nemoj da obracas previse paznje na ovo,sve su ovo spekulacije!sve je individualno od telefona do telefona!
Stojim iza ovoga za ekstremne temperature i da ne treba dozvoliti da se isprazni bas do kraja,mada sam cuo i da je nekad ba pozeljno na neka 3-4 punjenja pozeljno da se isprazni do kraja!

18-03-2010, 11:34
Znaci ako stalno dopunjujem bateriju, recimo sa 2/3 do kraja, to se po ovoj teoriji ne racuna kao jedan ciklus?

18-03-2010, 12:25
applegenius postoji samo u americi, ako je to ono na sta mislim.

ili barem tamo gde ima legalno apple zastupnistvo.

to im je kao neki "servis" de mozete da ih pitate sta vas zanima itd. .

18-03-2010, 12:47
Ma nemate sta da brinete, kad joj kucne cas ona ce da rikne, a do tada ima dosta vremena. Telefon sluzi vama a ne vi telefonu ;)

18-03-2010, 13:00
Da, samo sto smo platili 500 eur za tu lojalnost, pa nam i nije bas svejedno. ;)

18-03-2010, 13:36
kada crkne baterija zamenis novu 15+ eura i miran si:)

18-03-2010, 13:41
Apple Genius je čovek koji radi u Apple Store, koji je zadužen za reklamacije, popravke, servisiranje, itd.

18-03-2010, 15:11
Telefon sluzi vama a ne vi telefonu ;)

Upravo tako!! Realno boli me uvo da telefon drzim pod staklenim zvonom i da ga uopste ne pipam!
Uostalom sve novije stvari se prave tako da potraju najvise 3 godine, a posle toga vise nema popravke nego se kupuje novo.

18-03-2010, 19:57
Znaci ako stalno dopunjujem bateriju, recimo sa 2/3 do kraja, to se po ovoj teoriji ne racuna kao jedan ciklus?

tako je.....!:)ma lepo kazu ljudi ovde:ko ga j*ebe,kad crkne,crkne...i onako je napravljen da traje sto krace!

to mozes da vidis i tako sto poredis neku stvar koja je napravljena 70-ih i 80-ih godina,kada su se stvari pravili da traju vecno,i koja se odrzala do dan danas!sada se stvari prave od najjeftinijih ,aterijala da bi se minimalizovali troskovi proizvodnje!
gledaj samo nas voljeni iphone od kakve je plastiike napravljen??koliko je to jadno i tanko!

19-03-2010, 11:58
Nije u pitanju plastika, baterija je baterija - ne može da traje duže. Ali postoji jedan iPhone 2G kome baterija traje od kraja 2007 do dan danas i i dalje drži bez problema isto kao i u početku, dakle, preko 2 dana! Neverovatno ali tako je!

19-03-2010, 12:13
Mozda je kod iphone-a to cudo. Moj ujak ima i dan danas nokiju 6630 sa originalnom baterijom, koja traje 3-4 dana, uz normalno koriscenje, a stara je ko zna koliko, sigurno mnogo vise od 3 godine. Moj cale nosi e61i koju sam ja prehodno koristio oko 2 godine i on je sada nosi jos bar godinu dana i baterija je meni jednom kada sam je testirao trajala punih 11 dana uz mininalno koriscenje, a sa normalnim koriscenjem nikada nije trajala manje od 6-7 dana, koliko drzi i dan danas. Inace imao sam sve moguce symbian telefone jos od 7650. Neke sam koristio duze, neke krace, ali ni na jednim nikada nisam imao problem sa baterijom. Cak nikada nisam ni primetio da je baterija oslabila. Dakle ako je ovo sto pise u tekstu tacno, onda je to opet do apple-a.

19-03-2010, 19:38
Pa bolje je cuvati nesto :S ja uvek praznim do kraja bateriju pa onda punim... Znam da te baterije nemaju memorijski efekat, ali takodje znam da ne moze nekom ko puni na 2/3 neko duze vreme I da bude isto...

19-03-2010, 22:22
Verovao ti ili ne, ako ti li-ion bateriju praznis do kraja, pa je onda punis trajace ti mnogo krace nego kod nekog ko je puni bez da na to mislis. Optimalno je bateriju da prikljucis na punjenje kada je izmedju 20%-80%, ponekad mozes da odradis ceo ciklus ali retko.

19-03-2010, 23:26
Pa ja punima obicno na 10% nekad i na 20%...samo ne znam odakle ti ti, pa ako mozes da mi objasnis ili das link pa da se informisem...

20-03-2010, 19:02
Ja sam naisao na podatak u jednom strucnom tutorijalu za digitalne aparate da ove novije li-ion baterijie najvise ce da traju ako se pune kada su izmedju 20% i 80% pune.
Sto i jeste tacno jer meni uvek duze drzi baterija kod mog telefona kojeg stalno prikljucujem na USB da bi instalirao nesto (i tako se i puni), od ostalih clanova porodice koji stalno menjaju baterije, a pune ih samo kada im se gasi telefon.


20-03-2010, 19:07
Ok, hvala ti na informaciji :)