View Full Version : Hakeri banovani sa App Store-a

15-02-2010, 19:18
Apple Bans Hackers from App Store After Exploit Found

Apple has moved to ban hackers Sherif Hashim and iH8Sn0w from the App Store after they discovered exploits in the iPhone firmware.

Sherif Hashim recently (http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=7643) found an exploit in the iPhone OS 3.1.3 firmware which could lead to an unlock for the most recent 05.12.01 baseband.

Shortly after Hashim posted his discovery on Twitter Apple removed his App Store privileges.

"Your Apple ID was banned for security reasons", that's what i get when i try to go to the app store, they must be really angry :)))))

and guess what my apple ID was, "[email protected]", what a fool was me not to notice :))), can't help laughing, they are babies :)))

at least they should have wait after the release :))

Interestingly, this same exact thing happened to iH8Sn0w who was responsible for finding an exploit which lead to the unlock (http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=5900) of the last baseband.

lol, they did that to my ih8sn0wyday[@t]googmail.com too. (right after I posted XEMN)...

http://www.iclarified.com/images/news/7690/27316/27316.jpg (http://www.iclarified.com/images/news/7690/27316/27316.jpg)

15-02-2010, 20:08
Jel ovo znaci da se moze otkljucati 3.1.3. ili?

15-02-2010, 20:50
Secate se haxxora, koji je nedavno uspeo da krešuje novi
baseband (Sherif Hashim). Apple je upravo onesposobio
njegov Apple ID koji je koristi za pristup za programiranje,
iTunes i AppStore.

Izgleada da je Sherif koristio istu email adresu za za iTunes
i sekciju za programiranje, koja je i na Twitteru odakle je
obavestio svet da je uspeo da kreshuje baseband za buduci
unlock iPhona.

Kakvu je poruku Apple hteo da prenese ovime? Da li to znaci
da ce u buducnosti da blokira korisnike koji imaju krekovane
aplikacije? Apple izgleda ne zeli programere koji prave aplikacije
za jailovane telefone.

Ukoliko radite nesto sto je protiv Apple politike i javno se
izjasnjavate o tome, vodite racuna da taj email nemate
registrovan na iTunesu. Nikada se ne zna.

http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/4268/badgerbadger.jpg (http://ianatomija.blogspot.com/2010/02/apple-blokira-naloge-hakera.html)