View Full Version : Microsoft's Bing Could Power the iPhone

20-01-2010, 17:12
In an unexpected turn of events, Microsoft's Bing could end up powering the Apple iPhone, if talks between Apple and Microsoft come to fruition.

The talks, according to BusinessWeek, have not reached fruition. A deal between Apple and Microsoft may mean iPhone owners would automatically get Microsoft's Bing as the main search engine, possibly requiring users to actively change phone settings if they want to search via Google.

As the story notes, Google and Apple (and, to a lesser extent, Microsoft) have increasingly gone head-to-head in a number of different markets, including mobile phones and Web browsers. So far, however, Apple has stayed out of the search market, meaning that it is also free to strike a preferred-vendor deal with another company. It's possible that Microsoft might strike a deal similar to the one it struck with RIM: one day, a Bing icon would simple appear on the device, pushed via a software update.

I can't confirm whether this is true or not; in any case, if the deal goes through, quite a bit will depend on how the Bing preference is hardwired into the Apple OS. If user can easily change the search preferences to Google (or another engine) then this will merely be an annoyance for those who search with Google. If the hooks go deeper... well, the angst may be a bit sharper as well.
Originally posted to AppScout.

20-01-2010, 21:36

Apple i Microsoft su u pregovorima da se otarase Gugla kao difolt
pretrazivaca na iPhonu? BusineessWeek izvestava da su dogovori u toku
nekoliko nedejla unazad. Da li ovo ima veze sto je Nexus One direktan
konkurent iPhonu 3GS?

Mozda Apple i Microsoft planiraju da preuzmu trziste bazirano na Android
operativnom sistemu? Ne znamo koliko ce ovo uticati na korisnike, ali Bing
aplikacija definitivno izgleda lepse nego Google-ova.

Za nedelju dana cemo videti rezultat ovoga.

Preuzeto sa iAnatomija.blogspot.com (http://ianatomija.blogspot.com/2010/01/apple-menja-google-za-bing-u-iphonu.html)

21-01-2010, 01:37
Koliko god da se trude... Ja nekako mislim da će svi samo da odu i promene search na Google.

Ono, biće kao 15. korak u uputstvu za Jailbreak.

15. Settings, Safari, Search, select Google From drop down menu ...

21-01-2010, 14:46
koliko neverovatno zvuci. udruzili se apple i ms. ni u najludjim snovima

21-01-2010, 15:29
Pa naravno, sve samo da sruse google!
Ne bi me cudilo da potpuno izbace google kao mogucnost za odabir.

21-01-2010, 16:12
koliko neverovatno zvuci. udruzili se apple i ms. ni u najludjim snovima

Apple i MS saradjuju bez problema, ali ne toliko javno i na tim poljima :) Apple redovno pljuje po Windowsu (svaki puta kad izadje nova velika macka) ukljucujuci i windows mobile, a ovamo treba da objave da su ubacili novi default pretrazivac. To bi malo glupo ispalo.

Moguce je da ce Bing da bude dodat na listu, ali da skinu Google nema sanse. Apple nema nikakvu ulogu u pretrazivanju interneta, tako da mogu da saradjuju sa svima na tom polju :)

21-01-2010, 16:23
Koliko god da se trude... Ja nekako mislim da će svi samo da odu i promene search na Google.
