View Full Version : Create .deb app

05-01-2010, 22:25
Da li je neko ovo probao mozda?

So first, you need to create a directory on your iDevice. Name it whatever you want the deb to be for.

Once created you put the file paths and the files in it that you want to be in the deb. So if you want to put in a mobilesubstrate plugin, you would create a folder inside your directory called Library. Then inside that folder one called MobileSubstrate, and then inside that one called DynamicLibraries. You do this for whatever file you want inside it.


Now you create a folder called "DEBIAN" (yes all caps)
You create a file called "control"
Now open that up with a text editor and put ine the following stuff (c/p):

Package: acme
Version: 1.0
Section: web
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Essential: no
Depends: libwww-perl, acme-base (>= 1.2)
Pre-Depends: perl
Recommends: mozilla | netscape
Suggests: docbook
Installed-Size: 1024
Maintainer: Joe Brockmeier [[email protected]]
Conflicts: wile-e-coyote
Replaces: sam-sheepdog
Provides: acme
Description: The description can contain free-form text
describing the function of the program, what
kind of features it has, and so on.
More descriptive text.

Now fill out the forms with your information, change the name etc. If theres something that's irrelevant or won't be filled out you can either leave it or delete that whole line.

05-01-2010, 22:29
Ok je ovo, ali nedostaje jos uputstva ( mislim ).

05-01-2010, 22:31
Koliko ja vidim to je to. evo i gde sam nasao pa baci pogled


05-01-2010, 22:37
Pa dobro, u principu ovo sto si kopirao je one osnovne informacije o paketu ( aplikaciji ). E sada, na trebala bi biti neka skripta da se sve to spoji zajedno sa tim folderom u .deb fajl. Na Linux-u mogu to odraditi bez problema.

06-01-2010, 13:21
Probao sam ja, tako sam pakovao one svoje aplikacije (http://isrbija.net/showthread.php?t=3565) :)

Sto se "skripte za pakovanje" tice, na iPhone to odradjuje dpkg-deb.

Bolje uputstvo za pravljenje deb fajlova je Saurikovo:

sekcija "Step 1: Making a Package"

06-01-2010, 13:56
Pa da pretpostavio sam da iPhone nesto ima vec, dok kod Linux-a se moraju dodati "skripte za pakovanje" koje se mogu naci kod saurika :D

06-01-2010, 14:10
Zavisi kod kojeg Linuxa, na Debianu dpkg-deb dolazi preinstalled.

06-01-2010, 14:14
Ubuntu :D

16-01-2010, 00:46
A jel zna neko neki bas dobar tutorijal da se napravi Repo na Mac-u???

Ali da se zaobidje program FINK ako je ikako moguce?

16-01-2010, 16:37
Tutorijala ima koliko hoces, ali moras da hostujes repo negde.
...i cemu sluzi FINK uopste?

Link za tebe: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=create+cydia+repository ;)