View Full Version : Sileo menja Cydia-u na iOS 11 a Semirestore11/Rollectra menja Cydia Eraser

16-07-2018, 14:07
Ipak je Electra tim odlucio da unese jos vece promene u okviru jailbreak zajednice.

Here’re some stuff that recently got replaced by the @electra_team (https://twitter.com/electra_team):

Cydia Substrate + Substrate Safe Mode -> Substitute + Tweak Injector + Substrate Compatibility Layer

Telesphoreo -> ElectraRepo64

Cydia Eraser -> Rollectra (Releasing soon)

So what’s next…?

Vec nekoliko dana se prica o Rollectra tweak-u, koji je napravio Pwn20wnd, uz manju pomoc drugih developera (jedan od njih je i Sam Bingner (https://twitter.com/sbingner)@sbingner (https://twitter.com/sbingner), koji je napravio cuveni tweak TetherMe).

Tweak nije revolucionaran u smislu da nikad nismo videli takvu upotrebu ali je veliki novitet da radi na iOS 11.
Njegova uloga je da vrati ceo sistem u prvobitno stanje i, narodski receno, obrise sve tragove jailbreak-a.

Rollectra will make the use of APFS snapshots and the mobile_obliterator to roll your device back to its pre-jailbreak state.

This will be a full system unjailbreaker.


Ovom tweak-u je potrebno vrlo kratko vreme da sve odradi.

Fun fact: Rollectra takes under a second to completely erase the device!


Ono sto je mozda jos veci novitet je sto ce Cydia-u, bar na iOS 11, zameniti Sileo, koju je napravio Electra tim. Razlog za tako nesto je sto autor Cydia-e, Saurik, i dalje nije napravio cuveni update koji bi podrzao najnoviji iOS a njena funkcionalnost zavisi od pacheva koje su oni prpremili.

“Cydia works seamlessly”No, no it doesn’t. Check your http://Cydia.app (https://t.co/9UvSzytyov) on iOS 11It only works because it has bandaids, zip ties and velcro applied onto it



Prakticno Cydia se vise ne odrzava na iOS 11, bar sto se tice Electra tima

Cydia is no longer maintained.

Sileo ce podrzavati samo iOS 11 posto je pravljen iskljucivo preko 64 bitnih komandi

Sileo will only support iOS 11. It is designed with modern iOS and modern 64 bit command line tools + libraries in mind. iOS 10 and older will not be supported as we won’t support using saurik’s 10 year old 32 bit tools with Sileo

Safe Mode i Substitute takodje dobijaju zamenu

Safe Mode and Substitute will both be getting updates on Electra shortly.Substitute will be getting a long-needed stability fix.Safe Mode will be getting the redesign it needed as the current safe mode design was a dumb meme that was quickly thrown together

Sileo ce biti dostupan od sledeceg update-a za Electra aplikaciju

Sileo will be bundled with the next versions of the Electra Jailbreak Toolkit!

Sve sto ste kupili preko Cydia-e ce biti dostupno i u Sileo aplikaciji, kao i vas Cydia setup

Your Cydia purchases will also be accessible from Sileo.

All of your old packages and your setup will stay when switching to Sileo!


U okviru Sileo aplikacije, bice podrzani svi stari paketi

Sileo will support all of the old packages and repos as the backend will mostly be the same!

Sustinski su zamislili da svi stari repoi budu smesteni u jedan, koji ce prikazivati samo tweak-ove koji su kompatibilni sa iOS 11

All of the old default repos will still be there with Sileo, but they’ll be stripped down to one repo that only displays the iOS 11 compatible packages!

Ovo jos uvek nije objavljeno na znacajnim sajtovima koji prate i izvestavaju o jailbreak zajednici i Apple uredjajima :)))

16-07-2018, 19:29
Citao sam jutros o tome i nije losa ideja.Samo se pitao,kao i mnogi tamo na tviteru,kako cemo mi koji su vec uradili jb na 11.3. da ubece to?Da li ce morati da rade re-jb ili?

16-07-2018, 19:44
Njaverovatnije posto dolazi sa novom verzijom Electra aplikacije. Videcemo kako ce to da kombinuju.

16-07-2018, 20:40
Imam utisak da me malo nerviraju sa ovim letecim izmenama, kao u hokeju :D

Rollectra ima novo ime, SemiRestore11. Sustinski nema nikakve dodirne veze sa SemiRestore-om koji je napravio CoolStar ali je Pwn20wnd preuzeo od CoolStar-a i on ce ga od sad odrzavati.

@Pwn20wnd: So I just took SemiRestore over from @coolstarorg. It’ll be developed and maintained by me now.

@Pwn20wnd: And I have also renamed my Rollectra project to SemiRestore11.

@Pwn20wnd: Just to be clear:

I took @coolstarorg’s SemiRestore tool over.

Rollectra is now called SemiRestore11 even though it actually has nothing to do with SemiRestore.

Takodje je bitno da napisemo da Rollectra, ili tacnije receno SemiRestore11 nema veze ni sa jednim drugim alatom i da on ne unistava samo fajlove vec ih i restore-uje.

@Pwn20wnd: Rollectra has nothing to do with any other tool. It doesn’t just destroy files but it restores them too.

@Pwn20wnd: @jailbreakbuster It’ll completely restore the rootfs and erase the user the user data!

U svakom slucaju, uskoro ga objavljuje

@Pwn20wnd: Oh and guess what? Rollectra is done now. You can expect a release at any time!

17-07-2018, 04:57
A šta kaže Saurik na sve ovo?
Biće jako smešno ako izbace opciju dodavanja repo-a, pošto su sada sve podržane aplikacije "na jednom mestu"

17-07-2018, 05:54
Nije izbacena opcija dodavanja repo-a.

Prikaz kako radi


17-07-2018, 08:43
Izgleda, prema onome sto pise autor, da ce danas pustiti Rollectra/SemiRestore

@Pwn20wnd: I’ll be releasing Rollectra/SemiRestore later today!

17-07-2018, 09:54
Jel stvarno Cidyja tako loše radila na iOS 11 ili je samo Pwn20wnd hteo da zavuče Sauriku?

17-07-2018, 10:41
Ko je kome i sta je hteo da postigne i ko se sa kim prepucava i preganja oko finansijskog dela, to niko ne moze da ti kaze.
Saurik nije uradio update koji je najavio a on zna zasto to nije hteo da uradi.
Cydia funkcionise uz patch-eve, kao sto je i napisano.

17-07-2018, 11:40
Upravo je pustena SemiRestore11 / Rollectra for iOS 11.3 - 11.4b3.

Ovo nije vise validna informacija.
Mozete da je skinete sa iospackixrepo repoa.


Novi repo je https://repo.chariz.io/


@Pwn20wnd: SemiRestore11 / Rollectra for iOS 11.3 - 11.4b3 has just been released on @iospackixrepo. Enjoy.

Ako vam se desi da dobijete bootloop, sacekajte malo ili uradite hard reset da bi se dovrsio proces.

@Pwn20wnd: If your device gets stuck on booting after running the tool, please just wait or hard reset the device so the process continues. https://twitter.com/Pwn20wnd/status/1019152115409641472

17-07-2018, 11:48
Ko isproba neka javi sta se desava :D

31-08-2018, 21:35
Semirestore11/Rollectra 1.1 (jailed) se nalazi na Github-u

Rollectra(Jailed) 1.1 has just been released on https://github.com/pwn20wndstuff/Rollectra11. The IPA is available at https://github.com/pwn20wndstuff/Rollectra11/raw/master/Rollectra-1.1.ipa and the DEB is at https://github.com/pwn20wndstuff/Rollectra11/raw/master/com.pwn20wnd.semirestore11_1.1-1_iphoneos-arm.deb. Enjoy everyone!


Sad je deafult repo https://repo.chariz.io/ (https://repo.chariz.io/package/com.pwn20wnd.semirestore11/)

https://repo.chariz.io/package/com.pwn20wnd.semirestore11/ (https://repo.chariz.io/package/com.pwn20wnd.semirestore11/)

Moze da se skine:

1. ipa verzija


2. deb verzija


Treba imati u vidu da, iako postoji opcija da ne dira podesavanja i data od korisnika, da ipak moze da se desi da obrise neka podesavanja

Just to be clear: The option that I put their to not reset the user data won’t touch any user preferences, including the preferences from your jailbreak apps. Which doesn’t really matter. Just don’t be surprised if it happens to you.


Please don’t use the option for keeping the user data if possible. It’s still an experimental feature and shouldn’t be used unless someone really needs it.


Neki korisnici prijavljuju da i prijavljuje da imaju nekompatibilnu verziju iOS-a ako su na 11.2.2 i 11.2.6.

Mislim da jos treba malo pricekati za update posto je ovo verzija koju je upakovao kao deb i ipa fajl.

01-09-2018, 01:10
Probao i ne radi,konstantno baca u respring.

01-09-2018, 07:50
Ne znam koju si vreziju probao, .ipa, .dmg ili si skinuo sa repoa.

Dodat je novi repo u post, ispravljen i u inicijalnom postu.

Ocigledno je da ima jos da se radi na ovom tweak-u. Treba jos jednom napomenuti da developer ne savetuje koriscenje opcije koja cuva podatke korisnika, posto zaostaje mnogo stvari od jailbreak-a.
I dalje su podrzani samo iOS 11.3 to 11.4 Beta 3 ali ce biti dodata i podrska za 11.2 - 11.2.6.

Using this tool will restore the RootFS to its stock state and reset the user data. So creating a backup using iTunes before using it is recommended. It supports all devices running iOS 11.3 to 11.4 Beta 3. The 11.2 to 11.2.6 support will be coming really soon. The 11.0 to 11.1.2 support will also be added in the near future. Although there's an option to not perform a full restore and keep the user data, I would really not recommend it, since it will leave a lot of left-overs from your jailbreak. Follow me at @Pwn20wnd (https://twitter.com/Pwn20wnd) for future updates about this tool or to troubleshoot any unexpected behavior that you may be having with this tool.

02-09-2018, 01:22
Probao sam ipa,ubacio sam ga preko cydia impactora.Imam ios 11.3,isao sam da mi obrise sve,da ne cuva nista.Neki put odmah respringuje,a neki put prikaze homescreen pa posle 15-ak sekundi respring.