View Full Version : Kako podesiti da Weather prikazuje 24 casovni format

22-10-2017, 11:19
Zna li neko kako da namestim vreme na weather app da stoji 24-hour time a ne am-pm? Telefon mi stoji na 24-hour time samo je ova app od jednom zaglupela.

edit : reseno tako sto je promenjen jezik na english uk a bio je u.s

07-12-2017, 16:10
Under iOS 11, [NSLocale currentLocale] only returns languages supported by your app’s localizations. If your app only supports English (as the base localization), then no matter what language the user selects on the device, currentLocale will always return English.

Under iOS 10 and earlier, currentLocale would directly represent the user’s chosen language and region, regardless of what localizations your app supports.

Classes such as NSDateFormatter default to using NSLocale currentLocale. So no matter what language your app actually supported through its localization, classes like NSDateFormatter would show text in the language set on the device, even it was different from the language being used by your app.
Znači mnogo loše, npr. sad mi u Phone App ne pišu dani, i date/time u srpskom formatu već u engleskom, dok u Messages app i dalje prikazuje kao i ranije.

Prosto me čudi da niko još nije uradio iOS lokalizaciju na srpski, tim pre što postoji hrvatska pa je još lakše prevesti s hrvatskog na srpski.