View Full Version : VoiceOver-kako da deaktiviram?

01-08-2015, 18:13
Pokusacu da budem sto kraci i sto je moguce jasniji.
Aktivirao sam Voice Over.Nakon toga pokusao da ga deaktiviram ali se nisam snasao.
Pomislio sam da ce hard reset resiti problem,ali samo ga je pogorsao.
Sad imam telefon koji mi trazi lozinku koju naravno ZNAM,ali ne umem da je unesem na ovakav nacin.
iPhone 6 Sim Free 8.3 Jailbreak

01-08-2015, 18:17
...da li si probao da tri puta kliknes home dugme...ili nesto sa ove adrese...



Za unosenje password-a...


1. Tap once on the 4-white square box to select the password box2. Double-tap on the first white square for the first number in the password entry to select it
3. Tap number 1 once in order to select it as the first number in a password sequence of 1 2 3 4
4. Double-tap the number 1 in order to key it into the first spot on the password box. If successful, a black dot should appear in the first white square.
5. Repeat this sequence for the rest of your passwords and you should be in.


01-08-2015, 18:22
Sad cu da prostudiram,Pa se javljam.
Uspeo sa lozinkom.Sad idem dalje

01-08-2015, 18:23
...imas editovan post za unosenje sifre...;)