View Full Version : iTunes error...

20-11-2009, 19:28
iTunes mi ne prepoznaje telefon,stalno mi izbacuije ovo:

iTunes could not connect to this iPhone because an unknown error occurred (0xE800006B)

Da li neko zna u cemu je problem?
Da napomenem da sam skinuo novu verziju,da sam odradio restore cak sam i ponovo podigao sistem i stalno ista stvar

20-11-2009, 19:38
probaj u drugi usb da ubacis...

20-11-2009, 19:43
Probao sam i to,nece pa nece,a ne mogu nigde na netu da nadjem sta mu je

20-11-2009, 19:46
probaj hard reset i ako ti je firewall ukljucen iskljuci ga!

20-11-2009, 20:02
Evo probao sam i jedno i drugo i dalje nece

20-11-2009, 20:11
1. try other USB ports
2. unplug all other USB devices
3. use a PCI usb card in tower
4. update usb drivers
5. shut down iphone (hold down top power button for 5 seconds, then slide off) and reboot pc
6. upgrade to the latest version of itunes or reinstall itunes

Also try this:
7. Log out and log back in as another user (log in as admin if you don't have another user). Launch itunes and start a sync - end sync. Log out and back into your regular account. Launch itunes and connect iphone.
8. Try connecting to another PC or Mac to establish a connection between the iphone and a computer.

20-11-2009, 20:26
Evo namestio sam tako sto sam izbrisao drajvere za usb i skinuo nove sa neta,za sad je ok,videcemo kasnije

Hvala na odgovorima!!!