View Full Version : WOW, In your face Jody Sanders!!

02-11-2009, 02:02
An Information Campaign
I have an unlock for 05.11.07. I will be releasing on 11/04/09, for $0.00

First off, Jody Sanders, I am declining your $10,000. Why? Because you, and the rest of the iPhone unlock sites out there are scum. You make money selling freeware; that's not cool, and I am in no way going to legitimize it.
Seriously, the people who really lose here are the customers. These sites are full of blatant lies, claiming to have unlocks for 05.11.07 People buy them, and are told the unlock is in development, and the release date is unknown. Imagine you bought a cup of coffee and were told it's in development? Recently, many of these sites sent out e-mails saying they made major breakthroughs and the unlock will be ready 11/04/09. Coincidence that that's the release date of blacksn0w?
I'm not going to post all these scam sites here, as I don't want to give them the pagerank boost. Rather I'll give you a whitelist, two people make unlocks, me and the dev team. Every iPhone unlock site you see out there is selling our stuff, repackaged in some form or another. Same goes for jailbreaks, although ih8sn0w and chronicdev are legit. Notice what all the legit ones have in common? They are free.
Now despite rumors of the ferocity of my legal team, they actually are pretty poor lawyers. And the scum who run these websites are the type who get off on legal battles. So we have to fight them in another way, and I'm asking for everyones help on this. Our weapon is information. Get the truth out, that all iPhone unlocks and jailbreaks are free, and if you are buying something, you aren't getting anything a simple google search couldn't get you, and are probably funding someones crack habit.
This is the first time I have tried to make something simple for the end users, and it enrages me to see people selling it. Let's shut all these assholes down, and tell the iPhone owning world all they need is at blackra1n.com, including blacksn0w instructions on it's release date, 11/04/09(yes, will support hacktivation). You do your part, and I'll do mine making things as simple, reliable, and straightforward as possible.

You have 4 days.


Bravo George najjaci si... WORD!!!!!!

02-11-2009, 03:13
Hahaha, da je u Srbiji prodao bi se za 10x manju lovu ;). Stvarno je kralj čovek - ponekad mi ovakvi likovi vrate veru u čovečanstvo :)

02-11-2009, 08:09
Ovu istu temu sam ja postavio jucer ujutro, ali ju je netko obrisao.:confused:
Samo bi volio da mi odgovorni ovdje napisu zasto?
Sorry za off, ali za takve stvari bi volio cuti objasnjenje jer ako sam u necemu pogrijesio da pogreske ne radim ponovo.

Sto se Georga Hotza tice ponovit cu jos jednom-SVAKA CAST na ovom pismu.:)

♠ ♣ ♦ ♥
02-11-2009, 09:11
@dule977 procitaj pravila foruma a pogotovo tacku 6


02-11-2009, 09:44
hteo sam ovo da prekopiram juce ali zbog ogromne kolicine hrane na stolu nisam bio u mogucnosti da koristim tastaturu :D

02-11-2009, 12:06
A sta mislite da li je donacijama dobijao dovoljo kinte tj da li ce dobiti vise od 10 000 ja sam siguran da hoce jer radi stvari za koje se niko ne angazuje u potpunosti.
Ja bi mu donirao 5evra ali me zeza sto paypal drzi srbiju na blacklist-u.
Zasluzio je donacije.

02-11-2009, 12:26
An Information Campaign
I have an unlock for 05.11.07. I will be releasing on 11/04/09, for $0.00

First off, Jody Sanders, I am declining your $10,000. Why? Because you, and the rest of the iPhone unlock sites out there are scum. You make money selling freeware; that's not cool, and I am in no way going to legitimize it.
Seriously, the people who really lose here are the customers. These sites are full of blatant lies, claiming to have unlocks for 05.11.07 People buy them, and are told the unlock is in development, and the release date is unknown. Imagine you bought a cup of coffee and were told it's in development? Recently, many of these sites sent out e-mails saying they made major breakthroughs and the unlock will be ready 11/04/09. Coincidence that that's the release date of blacksn0w?
I'm not going to post all these scam sites here, as I don't want to give them the pagerank boost. Rather I'll give you a whitelist, two people make unlocks, me and the dev team. Every iPhone unlock site you see out there is selling our stuff, repackaged in some form or another. Same goes for jailbreaks, although ih8sn0w and chronicdev are legit. Notice what all the legit ones have in common? They are free.
Now despite rumors of the ferocity of my legal team, they actually are pretty poor lawyers. And the scum who run these websites are the type who get off on legal battles. So we have to fight them in another way, and I'm asking for everyones help on this. Our weapon is information. Get the truth out, that all iPhone unlocks and jailbreaks are free, and if you are buying something, you aren't getting anything a simple google search couldn't get you, and are probably funding someones crack habit.
This is the first time I have tried to make something simple for the end users, and it enrages me to see people selling it. Let's shut all these assholes down, and tell the iPhone owning world all they need is at blackra1n.com, including blacksn0w instructions on it's release date, 11/04/09(yes, will support hacktivation). You do your part, and I'll do mine making things as simple, reliable, and straightforward as possible.

You have 4 days

Ova mu je najbolja :vb_happy:

02-11-2009, 13:08
Pa gledaj, ako mu svaki 3 covek donira 5$ ( a ima i mnogo vise da daju ), pa nek tako bude par hiljada ljudi sto je realno moguce pa ti vidi... NJima 5$ nije nista, a opet po par hiljada ljudi, on uzme mnogo vise od 10k $!
Svaka njemu cast, od tih donacija moze da zivi ko grof. Ja da mogu donirao bi mu 100 evra a ne 5$ !

02-11-2009, 14:35
ma coveku treba dati Nobelovu nagradu !

02-11-2009, 15:27
evo napisao sam malo nesto o George-u :)


02-11-2009, 15:54
Ej, kada sam pročitao ovaj tekst za najbolje hackera, naježio sam se ceo veruj mi...

02-11-2009, 15:55
Ja se najezio samo na onaj deo gde je dobio kola :D

02-11-2009, 17:02
(nije niko jos? U super, evo ja cu >:D )

In your face sajberista!!!!!
Kako ono rece, ko se prodao za pare? :smackbum:

02-11-2009, 19:13
Jedno mozda malo glupo pitanje: zasto Apple ne zaposli Geohota kod sebe kao jednog od svojih strucnjaka? Nama to nikako ne bi odgovaralo ali pade mi na pamet

02-11-2009, 19:15
@Sharky, a ko je rekao da nisu? :D
To mi ne znamo!

02-11-2009, 22:00
zato sto je mlad verovatno i sto ce da zavrsava skolu, inace Geohot je dobijao nagrade novcane na takmicenjima intela. Moze apple da ga stipendira za pocetak... a ko sto kaze sh0 mi to ne znamo.