View Full Version : Stacks i Expose za Iphone/iPpod Touch

15-10-2009, 19:09
Steven Troughton-Smith has released to contributors Alpha 2 of Stacks v3.0, a brand new version of Stack for iPhone OS 3.

Stack is one of the oldest and most popular additions to your iPhone or iPod touch that adds a quick-launch menu to your Dock, giving rapid access to your favourite applications.

Simply tap the Stack and it will unfurl across your screen, then tap any icon to open it. Drag & Hover an icon (but don't let go!) across the Stack to add an application to it; drag an icon out of the Stack and let go to remove it. Drag the Stack like any other icon on your homescreen to reposition it.

Stack also has a Grid View mode, for those times when the Stack has too many items to fit onscreen at once.

New in Alpha 2:
• Multiple Stacks
• Dimming of screen when opening a Stack
• Reflective Dock support
• Support for iTunes 9's App Management
• Stack Update Notifications (notification when there's a new version available)
• New Grid View animations (temporary)
• Stacks are findable/openable using Spotlight


Stacks - link za download (http://steventroughtonsmith.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=39)

After seeing the Ocean Observations concept video (http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=5446/) posted several days ago, he has created Expose for the iPhone.


Stack sam instalirao i odlicno radi za sada. Nisam imao nikakvih problema i vrlo je simpaticna aplikacija... Expose je jos uvek u fazi testiranja. Verujem da ce se vrlo brzo pojaviti. Siguno ce koristiti korisnicima koji imaju mnogo aplikacija na svom iPhonu/iPod Touch.

16-10-2009, 23:03
Orbit, otherwise known as Expose for iPhone, has been submitted to the Cydia Store and should be available soon.
Orbit will cost $1.99 to purchase (just enough to make sure he can afford to make a version 2.0) and will be available soon.

18-10-2009, 12:43
Orbit, the new application by Steven Troughton-Smith is now available in the Cydia Store. The app provides Expose like functionality to your Springboard pages.

In our testing we found Orbit performed quite well. Quick and responsive. It would however be nice if the Home button returned you to the page you activated Orbit from.

Another great feature would be the launch of Orbit using a pinch gesture on the Springboard. Turns out Steven is already working on this and it may be including in version 2 of the app.

Take a look at the video below to see pinch in action

19-10-2009, 20:54
Posto sam do sada opisivao dve aplikacije istog kreatora, da updeatujem i kazem da ista osoba radi na kreaciji trece koja bi trebalo mnoge da zanima.

Rec je o aplikaciji koja ce omoguciti multi-tasking. S' obzirom da je proslo samo par dana od najave Stacks i Orbit aplikacije (koristim obe, rade odlicno) pa do njihovog pojavljivanja u Cydia u Big Boss repo-u, treb ocekivati da se i ova aplikacija uskoro pojavi. Siguran sam da ce ova aplikacija biti vrlo popularna, prakticna i korisna.


19-10-2009, 21:03
lepa stvar ali tako nesto vec postoji ako se ne varam kirikae radi istu stvar...

19-10-2009, 21:26
Da, cuo sam za to ili backgrounder. Probao sam ove dve koje je napravio, stvarno super rade + neka zanimljiva resenja. Ako se moze izvuci taj zakljucak iz screenshot-a mislim da ce ovo biti po principu Alt+tab opcije, pa mozes da pokrenes razne aplikacije koje su vec ukljucene...

19-10-2009, 21:45
tako nesto videcemo kad izadje :)

nadam se da je nesto dobro :)