View Full Version : Kako vratiti windows boot

23-07-2013, 14:56
Kao sto naslov kaze,kako vratiti windows boot,posle brisanja hackintosha. Sad ga bootujem pomocu cd-a ili pomocu usb-a.

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23-07-2013, 15:23
How to restore WINDOWS BOOTLOADER on a PC

1~Reconfigure your BIOS to boot from the DVD first and then the Win7 drive

2~Boot the machine from the Win7 DVD

3~After the language select screen, choose "Repair your computer" from the lower left

4~The system will not find any installations. This is okay, click the top radio button and hit Next

5~You'll see a list of "System Recovery Options". Open up the Command Prompt

6~Try typing the following commands in order: "bootrec /fixmbr", "bootrec /fixboot", "bootrec /rebuildbcd". If these complete successfully, go ahead and skip the next step. However, if any of these steps reports "Element cannot be found" you need to reconfigure the disk configuration.

7~You're going to use DISKPART to make the Win7 partition active. You can type "HELP" for a list of commands or check out Microsoft's help page. Basically you select the drive first ("LIST DRIVES" and then "SELECT DRIVE [number]") and then the partition ("LIST PARTITION" and then "SELECT PARTITION [number]") where Win7 is installed. Then type "ACTIVE" to make the selected partition active. Once this is finished, repeat the previous step.

8~With the bootloader now created, we need to let Win7 configure it. Restart and boot from the DVD again, and choose the same repair option as before. Now you should see your Win7 installation listed. Allow the installer to repair the system.

~You may have to repeat this step once or twice, but eventually the bootloader will be fixed and your machine will work again!

23-07-2013, 15:27
Samo malo... Ovim postupkom jel ce mi se obrasati/formatirati ta particija ili ce ostati sve? Ne bih da izgubim podatke na win-u!

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23-07-2013, 23:17
Neće, uglavnom u većini slučajeva repair iz instalacionog win-a može da završi posao, neki put iz prvoga puta.

05-11-2013, 14:42
Pozdrav,trebala bi mi pomoć za Mountain lion 10.8.5.
Uradio sam update na Hackintoshu sa 10.8.2 na 10.8.5 i nakon update-a mi nije radila grafika i kada sam ubacio kext-ove za grafičku nije hteo da podigne sistem,a što mi je najgore imao sam dual boot Win 7 i Mac,a sada uopšte ne izbacuje izbor između Windows-a i Mac-a,krene da digne Mac i zakuca!Dali ima rešenje kako da sredim to pošto sve file-ove držim na win7,frka mi je da ne izgubim sve to...

08-11-2013, 21:39
Pročitaj post iznad tvog.

09-11-2013, 21:32
Pročitao sam post iznad,a puno vremena sam proveo na tonymac-u,iatkosu itd...tako da sam uspeo da sačuvam windows 7 i i sve na njemu,a na particiju na kojoj mi je bio ML2 sam uspeo da instaliram preko iatkosa + tutorijala sa tonymaca,radi mi skoro sve...samo mi nije jasno kako da isključim da mi pre dizanja ML-a ne izlistava onu listu,mislim da se to zove verbose,ako ne grešim,jer sam realtivno nov u svetu Hackintosha,nadam se da se neko ne smeje sada...:))
Pošto sam ponavljao 10-ak puta instalaciju iatkosa+tonymac unibeast itd....malo sam se okuražio pa sam odlučio da probam instalaciju mavericks-a,neznam dali bi trebao da radi ako ako mi je hardware skoro sav podržan na ML-u?Pošto tek skidam mavericks preko app store-a i krenuo je download,neznam da li će to uopšte i uspeti ili ne?Nisam siguran dali sam trebao da nađem verziju sa torrenta?