View Full Version : Ruse se krekovane Igrice?

07-07-2013, 00:44
Instalirao Sam sa sidije app sync Ali opet nece da se pokrenu,Cim pocne da se Igra odmah izlazi iz Igrice.uradio Sam hard restart,opet restore I jailbreaking I opet isto.

07-07-2013, 01:38
Jesi probao neku besplatnu igru? Probaj da skines neku drugu krekovanu isto sa nekog drugog sajta.

07-07-2013, 01:51
Evo ti sajt...odatle skines applikaciju za telefon...(imas slide to install)
I posle skidas...


07-07-2013, 12:11
Hvala vam momci,javljam rezultat.

07-07-2013, 13:29
Javi obavezno...
I da za hvala koristi opciju 'thanks'...;)

07-07-2013, 23:38
skinuo dvije igrice spiderman nece ova druga hoce al nema tona

08-07-2013, 00:39
To je onda do krekovanih igrica predpostavljam. Probaj nekoliko free sa appstora ako sve rade, znači da su te što neće loše krekovane.

08-07-2013, 17:38
probao i sa ovog sajta
http://iphonecake.com/appcake/index.php i opet ista stvar.ove sa app store svaka radi ove obicne al ove naprednije malo kao spiderman,men of steel nece,da nije zbog grafike jer su pravljene za ove novije modele?

08-07-2013, 17:51
Dark eksterni linkovi ka piratskom sadrzaju bi trebali u code.

09-07-2013, 00:40
Games are notorious memory hogs, and the iPad1 has quite limited memory. Therefore, if you have jailbreak tweaks which are memory resident (most are!) this reduces the free memory for other apps. For really big complex games this can sometimes be an issue.

One thing people try is to 1) close all apps, then 2) use "safe mode" to disable all tweaks whilst you play the game in question.

To get into safe mode you can use SBSettings "Power" button and choose safe mode. Once you have finished gaming, exit the game, and exit safe mode by tapping the status bar and choosing the reset option.

Safe Mode on the iPad is not as scary as it sounds. Threre is nothing wrong with using it now and again for this type of problem. All it does is stop mobile substrate from loading any of your JB apps and tweaks therefore maximising your memory profile.
Don't worry if you are using tweaks which mess with your icons or folders. When you go into safe mode all your icons may be back on the springboard and you may have to page through lots of apps to find the game. As soon as you exit safe mode your springboard will be back to normal!

Give it a try and see how you get on.
moze li neko ovo prevesti

09-07-2013, 08:44
Kaze da ipad nema puno rama, i jos ako imas neke tweakove sa cydije, nije neuobicajeno da ti kresuju jace igre usled nedostatka rama. Probaj da ih pokrenes iz safe moda.