View Full Version : installer 4.0

04-08-2008, 12:01
evo beta verzije instalera za 2.0 :)
cim stignem kuci ima da probam a ako neko zeli ranije evo linka i uputstva... kazu da je ovo beta i beskorisna skoro oshto josh nema sorsova i sl...ali eto ako nekog zanima kako ce to sve da izgleda...


1. Upload the Installer.app to the iPhone via SSH to /Applications folder.
2. Make sure the permissions are set to 755 on /Applications/Installer.app/Scythe
3. Make sure the permissions are set to a+srx on /Applications/Installer.app/Installer
3a.(How to set a+srx)
go into mobile terminal once you connect via WINSCP
Then type in - login root (hit return)
Then type in - alpine (hit return)
Then type in - chmod a+srx /Applcations/Installer.app/Installer (hit return)
Then type in - logout (hit return)
Then type in - killall SpringBoard (hit return)

04-08-2008, 14:15
Evo i YouTube kako ga ubaciti > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWXbdCYy4-Q

Mislim da stim jos ne treba zuriti. Treba sacekati oficijalnu verziju da izadje.