View Full Version : Potrebna pomoc u vezi greske 1002

04-06-2012, 02:49
iPhone ima funkciju da prikazuje beli ekran i logo jabuke, nista pored toga. Pokusao sma da odradim restore sa itunes medjutim na samom kraju izbaci 1002 error >( Da li je moguce to resti i kako. Ako ne uspem koliko bi me to moglo kostati u nekom servisu?

24-06-2012, 17:23
Probaj ovo

When your iPhone displays only white on its screen – not any icons, not the Apple logo, nothing else – this is clearly a problem. There are three steps you can take to try to fix it.Restart the iPhone
The first step in any iPhone troubleshooting process is to restart the iPhone (http://ipod.about.com/od/iphonehowtos/qt/turn_off_iphone.htm). Do this by holding down the hold button at the top right of the phone until a red slider appears onscreen. Slide it to turn the phone off and, when it’s off, turn it back on again by holding down the hold button until the Apple logo appears.