View Full Version : iPhone FW 3.1 releases until July 21

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16-07-2009, 23:51
Firmware 3.1 Final "should" be released until july 21

New Features/Enhancements To Firmware 3.1 CONFIRMED

* Firmware updated to 3.1 7C106c **
* Updated modem firmware to 5.08.01 *
* Updated AT&T profile to 4.2 *
* iPhone vibrates when moving icons *
* Voice Control now works over Bluetooth, meaning wireless headphone now will work *
* Improvements to OpenGL and Quartz, 15 new options to play with *
* APIs to allow third party apps to access videos and edit them *
* MMS buttons are back in the Messages app for AT&T customers but still don’t work *
* Fraud Protection Toggle in Safari Settings *
* Copy/Paste functions works in the address book and in the numeric keypad of the phone application *
* Developers can now monitor/debug their apps over Wi-Fi **
* The ability to save video attachments to your photo album **
* The “Save” and “Save as Copy” options have been changed to “Trim Original” and “Save as New Clip” for clarity **
* Faster Launch/Boot Times/Speed Boosts **
* Improved battery life, iPhone 3G & 3GS only **
* Bug fixes **

New Features/Enhancements To Firmware 3.1 UNCONFIRMED

* More accurate showings on the batter %
* Battery % for all devices-toggle
* Password protecting the "Find my iPhone"-toggle
* Now iTunes store icons will move back to their default position after closing the app
* iPhone/iPod Touch Firmware 3.1 available for download on July 16 - July 21