View Full Version : Izasao Swirly MMS 1.0 :) a sad i CRACK ! :)

27-06-2008, 03:34
After having travelled on a very long journey and having put countless of hours into our baby project, we are now extremely happy and proud to finally have reached our goal of releasing a full-featured MMS application to the iPhone community!

SwirlyMMS v1.0 release brings you the following new features:
An easy-to-use user-interface, inspired by the mail application, which allows you to navigate through your received and sent multimedia messages.
Ability to send and receive: images, text, audio, video. In fact, you can send and receive any file you like!
You will be able to send and receive messages containing multiple multimedia parts. For example you can send an image together with a long text in the same message.
A built-in media viewer is provided so that you can easily view your messages from within SwirlyMMS.
You can easily reply to the sender, or forward the message.
You will be able to select multiple recipients.
You can save an multimedia message part to a file of your choice.
You can save an image to your camera roll (/var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE) and view it with the Photo application.
To send a photo, you will be able to select it, not only from your camera roll but also from your synched photo library or use the built-in file browser to pick any file.
Also, you will be able to take a photo with the camera from within SwirlyMMS and send it right away.
When composing a multimedia message with several parts, you can easily rearrange and remove any part.
To help you configure the application with the MMS settings, we have developed a package which handles settings delivered over-the-air!

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you who have downloaded and used our previous version v0.3.8 (you are about 500.000(!)) and all of our donators and swirlyspace.com forum users! And, of course, an extra big thank you goes to our brave beta testers who have given us great and valuable feedback and helped us releasing this major upgrade of our application!

As you may already know, this v1.0 release is not free. :-( But it is cheap, or a bargain as some people say :-) It costs only $8 USD, and you will be able to use a full-featured demo version in 14 days before you decide to buy. If you like it, you buy it easily with your VISA, American Express or MasterCard via a secure Paypal link.

Just add http://swirlyspace.com/SwirlySpace.xml to your source in the Installer application and you are off to swirl away MMSs. In a day or two from now, you will find this release in one of the community sources, probably in STE's repository.

As we have stated before, all of you who have donated and supported our early development efforts will have this release for "free". Just install v1.0, click the Buy button, read and accept the license agreements, click Buy, which starts the Safari Web browser. Click the '+'-sign and choose "Mail Link to this Page", which starts the email application. Together with the link, add your Paypal confirmation number to this email and then send it to: [email protected]. We will take care of the rest :-) So, from now on, you must buy the application. It is not enough to donate $1...

We will continue our efforts in developing this application even further and will bring new exciting features in the forthcoming versions. Also, we will of course support the application via our forum over at http://swirlyspace.com/forum

Thanks again to all of you!

The Happy and Proud SwirlySpace Team
Tommy & Mats

27-06-2008, 14:35
Mora da se plati...

27-06-2008, 14:47
vredi li ?

27-06-2008, 17:11
pa ako ti treba mms, 400 din ti je dzabe :) ko da si popio 2 piva u klubu...
ja sam se odviko od mms-a posto me smara shto ne mogu da ga primim kad stize nego moram da upalim gprs pa da ga primim... a nisam vidovit da znam kad ce neko da mi shalje isti... mislim da je stara besplatna verzija sasvim zadovoljavajuca za osnovnu potrebu :)

27-06-2008, 23:53
ma xellize ce da ga krekuje,pa cemo je imati za dzabe..

29-06-2008, 16:57
u mom instaleru je osvanuo swirly mms cracked... mada moram priznati da kad sam ga instalirao u programu ne pishe da je krekovan : /

29-06-2008, 17:10
a kako radi???

29-06-2008, 17:58
Eve ga i Crack
SwirlyMMS 1.0 crack by studguy1

- Install SwirlyMMS from repo: http://swirlyspace.com/SwirlySpace.xml and restart the iPhone.
- Run SwirlyMMS and Get the demo license by clicking 'Get Demo' button.
- Exit the App
- Replace SwirlyMMS file in /Applications/SwirlyMMS.app/ folder
- Make sure file has execute permissions (0777) after copying it to iphone
- Run the app, you should have full license now

Download Links:



It is important that you backup the /var/root/Library/MMSApp/activation.lic file. This file contains the demo/trial info and the crack wont work without it. If you restore your iphone or uninstall the app then you would have to put this file back manually. This file is device specific so you can't use it from another phone.

29-06-2008, 23:18
radi ;)
slobodan predpostavka je da je ovaj crack isti andrak kao shto ima u instaleru samo nisam znao da treba da kliknem na demo poshto je krek na kineskom :) sve u svemu radi woo hoo ;)

30-06-2008, 13:09
Da li neko moze malo da pojasni ovo UPUTSTVO?
Nije mi jasan ovaj deo : Replace SwirlyMMS file in /Applications/SwirlyMMS.app/ folder?? Kako da dodjem do toga, sta da zamenim, gde su te aplikacije.....da li to ide preko iTunsa? Predpostavljam da kada to nadjem uspecu i ovaj drugi deo posla :)

Hvala ljudi cekam odgovor ako neko zna i ima vremena da prevede na Srpski jezik :)


30-06-2008, 19:37
Preko winscp ili iphone pc suite ili nekog iphone browsera :)

Pretrazi malo forum :)

30-06-2008, 20:36
Evo vidim u Installeru da je izasao 1.1 al ne znam radi li crack sa njim?

30-06-2008, 20:53
Da li neko moze malo da pojasni ovo UPUTSTVO?
Nije mi jasan ovaj deo : Replace SwirlyMMS file in /Applications/SwirlyMMS.app/ folder?? Kako da dodjem do toga, sta da zamenim, gde su te aplikacije.....da li to ide preko iTunsa? Predpostavljam da kada to nadjem uspecu i ovaj drugi deo posla :)

Hvala ljudi cekam odgovor ako neko zna i ima vremena da prevede na Srpski jezik :)


pc suite ti resava problem.kad povezes iphone sa kompom onda uradis upravo to-prekopiras fajl u taj root i to ti je to...pc suite imas da skines na forumu,prati uputstva (apdejtuj pc suite,dodaj iunlock.no source,skini zibrickfix i sve sto tamo pise..)i resices problem..A ako te mrzi da se smaras sa tim,koristi obican swirly mms zajedno sa move mms aplikacijom dok ne izadje lepse krekovana varijanta ;D

01-07-2008, 22:04
izasho 1.0.1 - krekovan se moze skinuti direktno iz instalera

01-07-2008, 23:00
koji sorce?meni ga nema u instaleru..

01-07-2008, 23:04
Sa kog source-a? Sta ima novo?

01-07-2008, 23:20
e pa nazalost ne znam :( zabagovao mi fon i morao sma restora *(!#&289 glupi instaler >: /

02-07-2008, 16:36
ima ga na xsellize source-u,ali ne znam,nekako mi je cudno,kao da nije ful verzija.. ???

07-07-2008, 15:42
ima ga na xsellize source-u,ali ne znam,nekako mi je cudno,kao da nije ful verzija.. ???

isti problem kod mene, skunut sa xsellizea i pise da je crackovan ali meni ne salje mms , a i kad ga pokrenem imam tri dugmeta
buy, get demo i strelicu na desno ?!?!??!

15-07-2008, 10:06
evo resenja-kliknes na get demo i posle ce da ispise licence is valid..to sam uradio i poslao par mms-ova i sve ce da radi..samo moras da budes na netu kad to budes radio..

18-07-2008, 11:54
Nikako ne radite update na poslednju verziju Swirly mms Full!!!!! Nocas sam nasao update na Installer-u i blokirao mi je iPhone. Nisam jedini, tako da je razlog sigurno ovaj program. Ne uspevam da uradim ni reboot, ne prepoznaje ga ni iTunes

18-07-2008, 11:58
Ista prica. Ako neko nadje resenje neka odmah postuje!!!

18-07-2008, 14:12
uspeo. budite uporni pri restoru posto nece odmah da ubaci u recovery mode. koristio pwnage tool.

18-07-2008, 14:18
Ja sam prvo instalirao original SwirlyMMS original 1.0.1 pa sam aktivirao demo, posle toga sam preko njega instalirao Xselize SwirlyMMS verziju 1.0 FULL i sve radi super bez problema, Malo cudan postupak ali radi, Probajte..

18-07-2008, 15:03
Sve je bilo tako do sinoc, a onda je izasao update 1.1 i on pravi cuda, pa je bolje izbeci ga bar jos neko vreme dok ne vidimo u cemu je problem. Inace je odlicna aplikacija

26-07-2008, 20:15
radio mi je swirly dok nisam napravio update ne 114 sad mi kad hocu poslat napise "failed to send mms GPRS/EDGE is not available ! please rewiev your mms and/or EDGE APN settings,or wait a while if settings are correct

nikako da posalje ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

21-08-2008, 15:57
radio mi je swirly dok nisam napravio update ne 114 sad mi kad hocu poslat napise "failed to send mms GPRS/EDGE is not available ! please rewiev your mms and/or EDGE APN settings,or wait a while if settings are correct

nikako da posalje ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

ima li tko ideju kako da rijesim ovaj problem ?!, na drugom iphoneu koji imam radi bez problema, skinut je isto sa xsellizea i postavke su u njemu identicno postavljene ??????

23-08-2008, 10:11
Bah, ne znam da li sam poslao ukupno 10-ak mms-ova na starom fonu, taj mms je prevazidjen. Da ne govorim o tome što deru sa cenama te usluge. Mislim 12-13 din za običnu sličicu ili ton....Preteruju bogami... >:(

26-10-2008, 15:48
Je l' me zaje*avaš da je ovoliko dr*anje oko običnog MMSa?! ??? ??? ???

I dalje ne vidim da nekome radi bez problema.

26-10-2008, 16:52
meni odlicno radi ovaj program i slanje i primanje

27-10-2008, 01:39
Kako? Koja verzija? Koja podešavanja? Koji fw?

27-10-2008, 08:02
Meni radi super sa crackom demo verzije:

How to get 3820 days fully working demo of SwirlyMMS 1.2.6:
1. Install/Update SwirlyMMS from Cydia
2. Install DEMO license ( there should be a file
3. Download attached file (fulldemo.sh) and copy to /private/var/root.
4. Connect to iPhone via SSH or PUTTY and run the script with command:
sh fulldemo.sh
(if does not work - sh /private/var/root/fulldemo.sh).
5. You should have 3820 DEMO days now.
6. Enjoy !


podesi mms parametre, imash na sajtu,

27-10-2008, 11:56
izasho krek za noci 2.8 i meni radio


- Install swirlymms by cydia (dont lauch at this time)
- Open WinSCP
- Unrar the crack
- go to /private/var/stash/Applications.****** delete files "SwirlyMMS_" and "smshook.dylib" copy the files downloaded.
- "6777" to "SwirlyMMS_" properties
- "0777" to "smshook.dylib".
- reboot iPhone.
- lauch "SwirlyMMS", "License invalid", -> "Get Demo"
- and now "License valid" !