View Full Version : Gledanje filmova sa titlovima na iPhone 3g KAKO??

23-04-2011, 17:25
Zanima me kako da gledam filmove na navedenom iUredaju, ali sa titlovima?? Hvala!!

24-04-2011, 18:15
Mozes da konvertujes preko Allok 3GP PSP MP4 iPod Video Converter tu imas da ubacis i titlove... I kada prebacis stavlja ti u ipod. Ili preko VLC-a ili AVplayer-a

24-04-2011, 20:25
Ja koristiom Total Video Converter! isto može da se ubaci titlov, i još mnoge opcije da se podesu!

24-04-2011, 23:41
dinobg, jel ima negdje na internetu licence kod za taj allok???

25-04-2011, 00:57
ja (sam) koristio isključivo "WinAVI iPod/3GP/MP4/PSP Converter"
Convert all the files to Apple ipod, Sony PSP, MP4 Player, smart phone.
All-In-One solution for MP4 converter, PSP converter, iPod converter, 3GP Converter.

Izabereš MP4, pod ADVANCED staviš 480x320.
Titlove nazoveš isto kao i avi, u Direct VOB SUBu (ja koristim klite codec pack) namestiš central europian i veličinu fonta (ja koristio 30)
i što je najvažnije kruži gore imenovani program i u narodu

25-04-2011, 02:28
Zasto koristite convert?!
Jednostavno pribacite film sa comp na iuredaj i pribacite titl i pustite u cinexplayeru il buzz playeru (kojeg ste downloadali na vas iuredaj) i to je to!

Nema nikakvog convertera niti lipljenja titlova i sve radi savrseno

25-04-2011, 03:23
Zasto koristite convert?!
Jednostavno pribacite film sa comp na iuredaj i pribacite titl i pustite u cinexplayeru il buzz playeru (kojeg ste downloadali na vas iuredaj) i to je to!

Nema nikakvog convertera niti lipljenja titlova i sve radi savrseno

Recimo zato što

CineXPlayer "Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later."
Dotični ima koliko sam video 3G

BUZZ Player " Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later"

VLC Player build for iPhone is compatible with iPhone 4 as well as iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 3G/ 4G. (naravno iOS 4.xx & +)

OPlayer "# Category: Entertainment
# Updated: Apr 19, 2011
# Current Version: V1.27
# V1.27 (iOS 4.0 Tested)"
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
- With iPhone 3G and iPod gen1 and gen2 you can only play the converted media files, because the cpu is not power enough to do software video decode. "

SubPlayer "Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.1 or later.The movie file must be playable with iTunes. That is, the files extensions must be with the .mov, .mp4, .mpv, and .3gp and formatted for iPhone. If you use Mac, You can make it easily with HandBrake, Adapter or any other softwares.
The subtitles file must be SRT formatted. Characters must be UTF-8 encoding and line break with CR+LF.
You can watch tutorial video about how to upload files to SubPlayer in this App!"

AVPlayer "Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later."

Predpostavimo da se dotični (3G) iuređaj ne tera na iOS 4.xx već recimo na 3.1.2 ili 3.1.3 i da nijedan od gore navedenih naslova neće raditi (sem recimo možda SubPlayera koji takodjer zahteva konverziju)

Ja sam ih sve na i4 kušao i AVPlayer me najviše dojmio (baš zbog manipulacije sa titlovima i menjanja kodne mape), na 3G (iOS 3.1.3) mi nije nijedan nije krenuo.

Ovo su moji argumenti zašto (na žalost) konvertovati video materijal.

25-04-2011, 13:54
Hvala vam decki, uspio sam prebaciti film sa allok converter. sve super radii. Hvala :)