View Full Version : wheater widget

05-11-2010, 21:11
pa ovako imam problem kako da konfiguriram wheater widget za lokaciju zagreb,
gdje griješim

///////// There are two sources available, 'accuWeather' and 'yahooWeather'. /////////

//var source = "appleAccuweatherStolen"
var source = "yahooWeather"

///////// Two methodes to set up your location depending on the source: /////////
///////// accuWeather: 'Zagreb, Croatia' (e.g. 'Karlsruhe, Germany') /////////
///////// yahooWeather: 'HRXX0005' or 'location code' (e.g. Uk Dumbarton = UKXX0663 ) /////////

var locale = "HRXX0005"

///////// Set to 'false' for Farenheit. /////////

var isCelsius = true
//var isCelsius = flase

///////// Choose a style from the 'Stylesheet' folder (e.g. 'split'). /////////

//var stylesheet = "AppleStyle-Bottom"
var stylesheet = "AppleStyle-Bottom-(White)"
//var stylesheet = "AppleStyle-Top"
//var stylesheet = "AppleStyle-Top-(White)"

///////// You can choose one of the icons sets located in the 'Icon Sets' folder (e.g. 'klear'). /////////

//var iconSet = "klear"
var iconSet = "tango"
//var iconSet = "rycon"

///////// Adjust the files extension if necessary (defalt is '.png'). /////////

//var iconSet = "klear"
//var iconExt = ".bmp"
//var iconExt = ".jpg"
//var iconExt = ".gif"
var iconExt = ".png"

///////// You can modify the refreshtime here. Doesn't need to be changed normally. /////////

var updateInterval = "60" //Minutes

06-11-2010, 23:36
idi na 6 stranu foruma i naci ces odgovor.